Only those who will be prevented from going to the polls on election day for one of the following reasons may vote by absentee ballot:

The absentee ballot application is available in Adobe Acrobat .pdf format. To view or print the absentee ballot application, click on the link listed below. If you do not have the Adobe Acrobat reader, click on the "Get Acrobat Reader" icon to download the free software.

Adobe Acrobat

Absentee Ballot Application

All military, or any St. Louis County resident living outside the U.S., may request an absentee ballot by filling out Form 76 in lieu of a written request.  In addition, their affidavit envelopes do not have to be notarized.

Form 76 Instructions for Missouri

Form 76 Application

Direct any questions on absentee voting to the  Absentee Committee

If you are hospitalized after 5 p.m. the Wednesday prior to an election, depending upon availability, a bi-partisan team of election judges will come to your hospital room to allow you to vote.

If you would like us to mail you a ballot we will need a written request.*  You must reapply for a new ballot for each election.  Absentee ballot requests must be mailed or faxed to the Election Board no later than 5 p.m. the Wednesday before the election.  Our fax number is 314/615-1998. Your letter should contain the following information:

  1. Your name, including Jr., Sr., II, etc. (please print)

  2. Your Birth date and last 4 digits of Social Security Number

  3. Your St. Louis County residence address (please print)

  4. The address where the ballot is to be mailed (please print)

  5. Your reason for voting absentee

  6. The date of the election for which you are applying

  7. Your political party preference if you are applying for the August or presidential primary elections

  8. The signatures of everyone requesting a ballot

*Anyone registering by mail may vote absentee the first time only after enclosing a copy of an approved form of identification with his or her absentee ballot request.

If you are voting absentee, your notarized affidavit envelope, with your voted ballot inside, must be returned to the Election Board no later than 7 p.m. the day of the election either by the voter in person, through the mail, or by registered carrier or a registered voter's close relative.

You may vote an absentee ballot at the Maplewood office of the Election Board from 42 days before an election until 5 p.m. the day before the election.  For elections with federal candidates on the ballot, new residents who move to St. Louis County after the last day to register may vote in person at the election office until 7 p.m. on election day.

If a son or daughter is away at college a member of the immediate family may apply in person at the Election Board to request a ballot be sent to him or her.

St. Louis County Board of Election Commissioners
12 Sunnen Drive, Maplewood, MO 63143
Telephone (314) 615-1833

If you need a notary or advice on how to vote by absentee, please click here to contact us so that we may assist you.

Please click here for an application to vote by absentee.


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